Classes I - IX Admissions
Classes I - IX Admissions 2025 - 2026
- Application will be considered for admissions only to the vacancies arise.
- Only online registration.
- Online Registration starts from 1st November 2024.
- No admission to Classes X & XII.
- The applicant should appear for a selection Test
- 1st Round Test Date: 25th January 2025
- The duly filled in application form should be submitted on or before 31st March, 2025.
- Applications submitted after the last date will be rejected.
- An attested copy of the Birth Certificate should be submitted along with the application.
- Kindly allow the pop up block message visible on your browser to go for online registration process.
- For Internet Explorer : – Go to Tools> Pop-up Blocker >Click on Turn Off Pop-up Blocker.
- Mozilla : – Go to Tools>Options>Content>Uncheck the ” Block pop-up windows ” > Click on OK.
- Chrome : – Go to Settings -> Show advanced settings -> Privacy-> Click on Content Settings -> Click on Turn Off Pop-up Blocker.
- Before filling up the form, please refer to the general information carefully.
- Fill up the online registration form.
- Keep the photograph of Student and Parent ready for uploading (Size-50 KB).
- All the document file size should be lessthan 200 KB.
- Kindly fill up all the required information carefully and correctly, else the form will be rejected.
- It is mandatory to provide the mobile number and email id of the parents in the form to receive notification on admission.
- Read the General Information carefully and click <I Agree> at the bottom of the page and proceed.
- Fill in the details of the applicant completely and click < I Agree > and proceed to pay
- Online Payment for Application form is Rs: 1000/- +Convenience charges/-.
- As part of the selection process there will be an interview of the student with the teachers during the first week of April.
- Applications received after the specified date will be rejected
- Applicants are requested to check the school website, email and SMS regularly for all the information and notifications related to admission.
- The convenience fee inclusive of statutory taxes towards “On-line Registration” form shall be done through Net Banking/ Credit Card/ Debit card/ UPI ID/VPA.
- Once the registration form with online payment is submitted successfully, you will receive a confirmation message of Online Payment for registration.
For further information contact the official email id: &
WhatsApp Number: 9446746191 (WhatsApp only, Time:- 09.00am to 05:00pm on working days).

Admissions 2025-26
Grab seats for best quality education for your kids. Warm welcome to CPS.
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